Manufacturing and supply of tank equipment

Product nomenclature:
  • FOV, FIPa, FIPr, mechanical filters D from 0.8 m to 3.4 m;
  • reagent storage tanks, deaerator tanks, deaerator columns, etc.;
  • mechanical and hydraulic mixers.
Фильтр механической очистки
Mechanical cleaning filter (food enamel)
Изготовление фильтров
Filter manufacturing
Деаэраторный бак
Deaerator tank
Изготовление деаэраторного бака
Deaerator tank manufacturing
Отгрузка автомобильным транспортом
Road shipment
Отгрузка железнодорожным транспортом
Rail shipment

Protective coating of supplied tanks can be applied both at the manufacturer's production facility Constanta-2 LLC as well as transported to the place of installation fully ready for operation and, if necessary, applied after the equipment is installed at the installation site.

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